Fire in the evening

Here is a new piece in the middle of the year and not at the beginning or end for a change. So it’s actually only taken five months to post something new. This piece has a title borrowed from a Paul Klee painting. The chords have been around for a while, pretty slow and static as usual. There’s a video on the way someday but that isn’t ready yet. Oh and there are some found sounds again. The bird was singing in Reykjavik in early April. Fire in the evening.


  1. Philip says:

    Hi John, really lovely – I love a bit of found sound and birdsong. Given the title I was waiting for that Icelandic volcano to explode at the end! Very beautiful

    1. jpsmac says:

      Thanks -that’s very kind of you to say so…it went through several versions but I had to stop somewhere…glad you like it

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